
Professional Strength Phosphate Remover
Reducing phosphate levels in swimming pools is easy with Natural Chemistry’s PRO SERIES® phosRemove™. This product is a lanthanum-based formulation. PRO SERIES® phosRemove™ effectively and efficiently removes phosphates and reduces pool problems!
Available Sizes

Directions for Use
1. Backwash /clean filter and maintain proper chemical levels.
2. With the circulation system operating, slowly add product directly to skimmer, gutter or surge tank.
3. Vacuum if required.
4. Backwash/clean filter as necessary (or within 48 hours).
Apply in accordance with your state and local pool regulation. Removing high phosphate levels may temporarily cause pool water cloudiness/turbidity. For high phosphate removal it is recommended to divide the initial dose into at least three separate applications to reduce the possibility of turbid or cloudy water. Retest phosphate levels after 48 hours (repeat as necessary).
Maintenance Dose
Weekly add 1 fl oz of product per 6,000 gallons of pool water. Larger oversized cap = 4 fl oz
Algae must be treated prior to testing or treating phosphates. Chlorine must be under 5 ppm before testing phosphates.